Tuesday, March 25, 2008

how you know you've taken too many units...

My immune system rejects your charm.
I have vaccinated my heart from getting broken. Yet all of medicine's
advances have not prepared me to block your face
from my peripheral. Freud's concept of regression proves to exist, and equally fails
in blocking my memory of you. Each day i encounter cues that retrieve
the old memories from my mind's dusty attic. With the metaphysical
nature that the past is in the present, it takes the present and keeps me in the past.
This tension, some sort of energy field between us,
chooses not to transfer itself to another source. Nor does it choose to change
its form. But a fraction does, in fact,
morph into the water molecules that fall from my eyes, only
to evaporate into the air and recycle itself
into a cloud that little children can enjoy looking at.

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